Marcelo F. DiCarli
17 18 19 20 21
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
843 505 252 0 +
Glossary of Terms
* At older ages, Surrender Charges may go to zero earlier than year 20. + Surrender Charge is zero in year 21 and thereafter.
Tax Equivalent (IRR) Death Benefit The Tax Equivalent IRR reflects the deduction of applicable policy related charges and any income tax attributable to distributions from the policy, but does not reflect deductions for sales loads, management fees and other expenses that might be deducted from an actual investment. Assuming the Annual Outlays shown were invested in an alternative investment subject to income taxes, this is the gross rate of return that would need to be earned so that the accumulated amount net of income taxes would equal the amount reported in the Death Benefit column.
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