No Lapse Premium Age 40 Analysis

Segment Maturity Date The segment maturity date is the last day of the segment duration. On the segment maturity date, Index Interest is calculated. Surrender Charges Surrender charges may apply within the first 14 policy years of initial base policy coverage, if you make a withdrawal on a policy with a Type A (Fixed) death benefit, reduce the Basic Insurance Amount, or surrender the policy. In any year illustrated, the surrender charge is equal to the difference between Contract Fund and Cash Value. Surrender charges will decrease over time until they reach zero. The maximum surrender charge in any policy year is shown in the policy.

Glossary of Terms

Non-Guaranteed Results Based on S&P 500 ® Indexed Account 5.10% @ and Current Charges


Contract Fund

Surrender Charge

Surrender Value

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


15,057 14,350 13,580 12,691 11,683 10,836

0 0

11,890 18,459 25,406 32,873 40,668 48,893 57,574 66,713 76,324 86,401 97,035 108,209 119,941 132,273


12,715 21,190 29,832 38,897 48,565 58,691 69,429 80,773 92,814 105,395 118,534 132,273

9,996 9,009 8,022 6,895 5,628 4,221 2,814 1,407

10 11 12 13 14 15


+ Surrender Charge is zero in year 15 and thereafter.

Surrender Value The Surrender Value is the amount you would receive, based on the assumptions used in this illustration, if you surrendered the policy. This amount reflects the greater of the Contract Fund and the alternate contract fund minus any Surrender Charges, minus the outstanding loan and any unpaid Loan Interest. The Surrender Value does not reflect any taxes that may be due upon surrender of the policy. The value shown in the illustration is as of the end of the policy year.

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